
COMP 3: Weekly Progress & Plan

 A Level Media Studies

Here is a weekly diary that tracks my group's progress on the music promotion package project. I have also included the rough plan/timeline that would be ideal/must follow. This blog is written by me (Sharon).


This plan would be ideal for us to follow for this music promotion package project. Below this plan is my team and I's weekly progress.


Term 1


Term 2


(2 Oct)

Brief, Research


( 8 Jan)









Shoot, Self Reflection




Post Production




Post Production




(13 Feb)

Deadline (Tuesday 13th February)






[Semester 1] Week 1

We were introduced to the brief for the music video and set up initial blog posts (e.g. brief, weekly progress and plan, my group, and research). I am greatly looking forward to starting this project with my group, however, the genre and overall outlook for our music video haven't been finalized just yet - although it is most likely to be a pop music video. We also researched two music videos to give ourselves a general idea and a good starting point for this project. The music videos we researched include 'Wetsuit' by The Vaccines, and 'get him back!' by Olivia Rodrigo, which are unique.

Week 2 - 10th October 2023

We, as a group, discussed the overall theme for our music video, which we finalised with a 'happy' and 'free' concept. 'Maniac' by Conan Gray, 'Feather' by Sabrina Carpenter, and 'Greedy' by Tate Mcrae were our top 3 choices for the songs, finalising with 'Feather' by Sabrina Carpenter.

Week 2 - 13th October 2023

We did further research on music videos on our own per our finalised genre (pop). We also watched music videos that covered certain social groups and issues, such as mental health, gun violence, and racism to give my group a general overview of the main concept to ease decision-making. To add, we were introduced to the analysis of branding as well, for instance, album covers, the band/artist's social media page(s), and other promotional methods, that must be researched on.

Week 3 - 20th October 2023

We got time to continue our research of music videos mostly of our preferred genre (pop). Moreover, we worked on our statement of intent on a given template to ease discussion (effective timing), along with several critiques and advice for our blog posts (e.g. avoid dangerous scenes such as gun violence, suicide, etc., be more reflective, do screening (tests), and organize better). 
Problem: I haven't completed the research due to the amount of homework and tests this week, and we didn't get much time to finish our statement of intent.
Solution: Complete our statement of intent and research as homework (in our own time).
To-Do: Statement of intent, and finish the research before week 4 (Friday, 27th October 2023).

Week 4 - 27th October 2023

This week we were assigned a mini project of creating a short music video (a verse or two from Backstreet Boys' 'I Want It That Way') by which the (technical) skills can be applied to our final music video project and/or get a gist of filming a small music video so that we wouldn't repeat the same mistakes. Today, as a group, we created a shared moodboard for the overall theme of my group's music video, such as the colour palette, and included pictures of activities that will be included in the final product via Canva. Next, we worked on our development (possible names for our artist, the casts, the timeline in the video, storyboard/screenplay (which cannot be done just yet since we haven't started on the 'timeline' in the video), and locations).
Problem: Finalizing the artist's name, work on the development post (timeline in the music video via annotating the lyrics sheet, hence, the storyboard/screenplay)
Solution: Discuss bit by bit in our free time as a group as it's not guaranteed we will be given time to do these in upcoming media lessons
To-Do: Embed the statement of intent to Blogger, finalize my research, and group discussions in our free time

(online skill development, add the YouTube video I learned it from)

Week 5 - 3rd November 2023

We submitted our lipsync video which was edited altogether by the teacher. I was able to reflect back on and evaluate what to avoid for our final music video project. Today, we worked on annotating the lyrics sheet, where we needed much more time, but got halfway done.
Problem: Our filming schedule will be during the rainy season (December 2023), more time to do a breakdown of the scenes (annotating the lyrics sheet) 
Solution: Use our free time to annotate the lyrics sheet, and plan an effective filming schedule
To-Do: Technical skills blog post, screenplay and storyboard to be completed before Term 2 (late November 2023)

Week 6 - 10th November 2023

We continued annotating the lyrics sheet, which we were able to complete today. I started with the storyboard (done roughly) per verse to ease following through. Nayana also made a Pinterest board to gather inspiration for the outfits so we can start purchasing the apparel our cast members may not have yet.
Problem: The screenplay isn't suitable for the music video
Solution: Only include the parts that are appropriate for the screenplay (selective) and focus on the storyboard
To-Do: Storyboard, screenplay, screentests

Week 7 - 14th November 2023

We were simply given a checklist by our teacher for our Comp 3 blog posts (tick if it's already in your blog, completed, labelled, and given a reflection). So, throughout this lesson, we tried our best to complete them all - less work to do during the week. And that's all we did in this week's project lesson.
Problem: Incomplete work: blog posts, storyboard, star's screen tests
Solution: Set a team and personal schedule and deadline for each of the tasks
To-Do: Complete all the tasks by this Friday

Self Reflection: This detailed weekly plan with all the problems, solutions, and to-do lists throughout the timeline of this music promotion package project, helped my group track our progress thoroughly step-by-step, have solutions to any problems we faced, and ensure that all was done well and comprehensively to achieve a pleasing outcome. It also enables us to focus on our objectives better by working on the to-do list to not be left behind/behind schedule, and settle the problems effectively. What I find challenging would be having to be on track and be strict towards the schedule. I was afraid that we wouldn't be able to complete this much work. Moreover, ending this term with our progress, I am quite satisfied as most of the things went according to schedule/plan besides other tasks, such as blog works, along with the screenplay and/or storyboard that must be done by the end of term 2. Throughout this project lessons, I have become as active as possible, such as pitching out ideas, working on the storyboard and moodboard, and assisting in planning the statement of intent. However, I hope that the production process (starting in December - next month) can go as planned as well to avoid any tight schedules - and to give us time for plenty of revisions to construct an excellent music promotion package on time. What we can do in the following term would be to avoid any setbacks, be more effective when making a schedule, such as considering internal and external factors (e.g. weather), and be more strict with our schedule/timeline.

[Semester 2] Week 1 - 12th January 2024

As semester 2 had just begun, I have modified numbering the weeks back to 'week 1'. In today's project lesson, my group collaborated on risk assessments regarding our locations, such as the pros and cons of our specified filming locations, any alternatives, and how we can emphasize the scenes through media language. As a class, we have individually received feedback on our blogs and projects from semester 1, where mine includes having to keep adding to my research (music videos and branding) as the academic term goes on, doing a few more screen tests, and enlarging the week titles. We also adjusted our blog's layout/format to ease viewing for examiners.

Week 2 - 19th January 2024

In today's project lesson, we created a detailed filming schedule to get back on track, and we also created a rough idea for our star's Instagram account, a minimum of 9 posts. This blog post will summarize all the shooting dates.
Problem: One of our teammates couldn't make it to school and one won't be here on one of our filming days (beach day) as he will be in Sydney
Solution: Catch him up on today's discussions
To-Do: Music video and branding research, and filming

Week 3 - 26th January 2024

Starting the lesson, we were randomized into groups that weren't with our group mates to widen our options and ideas regarding the digipak and social media page. Some of these include how to increase engagement with the audience, the purpose of promotion, and what content to include. Following that, we went back with our groups - we worked on our social media research and modified the outline of the posts as the minimum number of posts changed to 12 (originally 9).
Problem: Two of our teammates couldn't make it to school (one went to Sydney and the other fell sick) so we had to resume our discussion without their opinions regardless
Solution: Catch them up on today's discussions and ask for their feedback/opinions
To-Do: Research for music video, branding, social media, digipak, and filming (which will be done tomorrow)

Week 4 - 31st January 2024

We started planning our critical self reflection for Component 3 as a group to ease writing. Last week was our first day of filming (3 days total) at the beach. However, the beach we planned on filming at required us to pay a great amount of money (way above our budget). So, we went to a beach nearby and fortunately, filming is not prohibited there.
Problem: Starting the self reflection is quite difficult for me as the structure is different
Solution: Go to my Media teacher for advice and feedback
To-Do: Complete the 2 days of filming left, and start writing the critical self reflection to avoid workload

Week 5 - 6th February 2024

We had more project lessons this week (2 days), in which we focused on our digipak designs. On our first project lesson this week, Nay, me, and Timo tested out different typography (font) for the front cover of the digipak. I have compiled all fonts and modifications in a Google Drawings page. Today, our second and last project lesson for the week, we progressed with different pages of the digipak. Yet, we made mockups for all pages with pictures we found online that we might recreate on our last day of filming. To maximize efficiency for tomorrow's shoot, me and Timo made a plan on the duration for each shot as we got behind schedule on our second day (last week).
Problem: The weather for our shooting tomorrow (8th February) is forecasted to be rainy
Solution: Come up with an alternative plan and pray for nice weather
To-Do: Finish our last day of shooting, work on my blog posts and the critical self reflection

Week 6 - 13th February 2024

For our first project lesson this week, me (Sharon) and Timo (Nay was absent today) worked on the digipak - doing trial and error with different pictures we took of the star last week, the contents, placement of the texts, and the tracklist. We also asked our teacher for feedback, and he gave suggestions regarding the text on the front cover, such as keeping it simple (e.g. removing the copyright text and moving it to the back cover). We only got 2 project lessons out of 3 due to the election holiday. So on our last project lesson of the week, we (me (Sharon), Nay, and Timo) continued our digipak and experimented with newer pictures from our final shoot (at the park). To add, we asked for feedback from our teacher for our first draft of the music video.
Problem: We had to use another day for shooting as we couldn't get all the scenes completed on our third day (which will be shot today - 13th February at the park), social media posts still need to be done, revise the music video according to our teacher's feedback
Solution: Make sure to complete all the shots on the 13th, use our free time to work on all those (e.g. blog posts, critical self reflection, social media posts, and the digipak), and remind our editor (Timo) to revise on the music video after our first feedback
To-Do: Finish our last day of shooting, work on my blog posts, social media posts, the digipak, and the critical self reflection

Week 7 - 20th February 2024

This week's project lessons got cut short (both duration and number of lessons) due to school events throughout the week. So, to maximize our efficiency, me (Sharon), Nay, and Timo finalized the social media page, as well as the selection of the digipak covers (front, insides, and back) out of all the trial edits we assembled. I also made a personalized link for the star to be put in the bio which includes the link to the music video, ticket sales, and more. We asked for another feedback from our media teacher regarding the second part of the music video and the edited parts upon the first feedback we got last week.
Problem: Not the entire music video has been edited and finalized
Solution: Remind our editor (Timo) to complete that before the submission date (Friday)
To-Do: Complete my blog posts on Comp 3

Week 8 - Bonus Week

After our initial submission in Week 7, our teacher gave us extended feedback on our blogs and our overall project to improve our Cambridge submission. Some additions and changes include adding pictures as a guide in our critical self reflection, a regulation post, and our media language blog post. I believe that these additions would be a great help. We also got the chance to improve our critical self reflection by another hundred words as we were instructed to have a maximum words of 1000 for our initial critical self reflection submission in class.

Self Reflection: All in all, the weekly progress helped me track our group's progress to the extent of keeping ourselves in the same direction and along our objectives. It also enables to give us a sense of accountability for our own tasks in order to help the group improve in progress weekly. Due to certain circumstances that didn't allow us to film the music video in December of 2023, I felt worried that it would be too difficult to stay on track throughout, with the submission date being mid-February. However, as term 3 began, we started scheduling and motivate ourselves to stay on track with the tasks, tracked by the weekly progress. I felt relieved as we were able to film as scheduled with an extra week or two to edit and finalize. I have developed planning skills, as tracked on the 'to-do', and teamwork since there were mostly collaborative works done in this project.

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