
COMP 3: My Team

 A Level Media Studies

Here's an introduction to my team for Comp 3 (music promotion package). This blog is written by me (Sharon).

The team we have formed for this film opening project (comp 1) consists of me (Sharon), Nayana, Maxi and Timo. I believe we would be able to achieve our objectives and assist in developing the product throughout the process from beginning to end. Nayana is highly creative as a person, such as in pitching in ideas, which would be great for developing concepts in this project (the creation of a film opening). Maxi is a diligent person, mostly in teamwork, along with having a strong willingness for responsibilities and putting in the effort. Lastly, Timo has talent in videography - filming and editing - this is a substantial advantage in this film-opening project as filming and editing are the most influential in order for this project to be constructed.

Links to blogs:

Nayana -
Maxi -
Timo -

Self Reflection: I felt glad that we got to choose our own group to begin with this music video project as it has been a both fun and productive time working with them, as reflected from previous projects. Hence, my expectations for the project will stay high. I admire how each and every one of our skills and perceptions would construct an effective product in the end. Decision makings also easier with them since we're able to voice out our ideas and are capable of making quick and easy decisions, which eases the process (time-effective). I will be as active as I can throughout this project to ease this process as much as possible.

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