
COMP 1: Weekly Progress and Plan


Here's a weekly diary which tracks our progress on the film opening, including a plan/timeline we must follow. This blog is written by me (Sharon).


This is the plan my group has made in regard to this project (Comp 1 - Film Opening). Below this plan is my weekly progress.

To Do...DeadlineBlog PostComplete
Week 1
Form a groupWeek 1Brief
Research: 2 in detail, 8 not much detail.End of Week 3Team
Start diaryDiary
Week 2
Plan (story board/script/idea outline)End of Week 4Proof of plan
Week 3
Plan (story board/script/idea outline)End of Week 4
Week 4
Plan (story board/script/idea outline)End of Week 4
Week 5
CreateEnd of Week 7How it's made (behind the scenes)
Week 6
CreateEnd of Week 7
Social Media Page + ResearchEnd of Week 7Research+Development (SocMed)
Week 7
EditEnd of Week 8How to edit
Week 8
EditEnd of Week 8
Self Reflection (Prezi)
1st draft before meeting
Week 9
Meeting with Mr NickSelf Reflection
Week 10
Final Product
Deadline (Wed 15th March)


WEEK 1 (9th Jan 2023)

  • M1: Formed a group and started on the research of opening scenes (2 big analyses + 6 small analyses)
  • M2: Media Industry (theory)
  • M3: Continued on the research of opening scenes (Baby Driver + (500) Days of Summer), worked on the brief, team (took a team picture), and a weekly diary blog post

WEEK 2 (16th Jan 2023)

  • M1: Magazine terminology, despite the fact that my group isn't doing the magazine project for comp 1
  • M2: Came up with 2 other concepts (Moonlight Sonata & Mr Fahrenheit)
  • M3: Decided on which concept to use and a brief script/screenplay plan for Moonlight Sonata

WEEK 3 (23rd Jan 2023)

  • M1: To-Do list of our project (Comp 1: Moonlight Sonata)
  • M2: Media Funding (theory)
  • M3: Started a sketch of the storyboard (Moonlight Sonata), finalized the casts, discussed the shooting and a vision board of our concept

WEEK 4 (30th Jan 2023)

  • M1: Further casting and storyboard continuation
  • M2: Media Regulations (theory)
  • M3: Collected 10 possible titles for the film opening, researched typefaces (title, credits, etc.), practised some shots in class and continued on the storyboard

WEEK 5 (6th Feb 2023)

  • M1: Theory (Media Industry)
  • M3: Finished the storyboard, and research on 2 case studies
  • M4: Set up the equipment on set, rented the equipment, experimented with lighting and camera angles, shots, starting the filming today

WEEK 6 (13th Feb 2023)

  • M1: Section B essay-writing practice on 'synergy'
  • M2: Section B 'synergy' essay revision + writing practice on the opposition of media ownership 
  • M3: Research and development for typeface on credits and title, although, the editing will be done tomorrow

WEEK 7 (20th Feb 2023)

  • M1: Revision on the media industry
  • M2: Self-critical reflection on the project (Moonlight Sonata)
  • Note: We had no project meetings this week, however, editing is 75% completed (done by Timothy)

WEEK 8 (27th Feb 2023)

  • M1: Revision on the media industry
  • M2: Mock Exam (Section A + Section B)
  • M3: First screening on the edit (done from the beginning to end) + feedback from Mr Nick - minor changes (e.g. transition timings, addition and removal of clips, credits positioning (to be done by Timo)

WEEK 9 (6th March 2023)

  • M1: Feedback from Mr Nick on research and critical self-reflection (e.g. how YouTube assists distribution (trailer), how Moonlight Sonata subverts typical Hollywood romance casts, how Asians are represented (stereotypes))
  • M2: Completion of the critical self-reflection and feedback on the second draft of the edit (Moonlight Sonata - film opening). Mr Nick suggested the editor (Timo) lower the audio level of Hazel's mom at the beginning, and also remove redundant black screens
  • M3: Further feedback on my final critical self-reflection, such as combining a few paragraphs together, adding media terms (e.g. new media), and improving the 4th question to not make it sound too vague, for instance, by explaining further the effect on production

WEEK 10 (13th March 2023)

  • M1: The last meeting for the comp 1 project (film opening - Moonlight Sonata). I have received further feedback on my first point on the critical self-reflection - combining paragraphs that have the same big idea, along with having to elaborate more on how software, hardware, and online affected the production process instead of stating they assist in great quality.

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