
COMP 1: Team Introduction


Here's an introduction to my team for Comp 1 (film opening - video). This blog is written by me (Sharon).

The team we have formed for this film opening project (comp 1) consists of me (Sharon), Nayana, Maxi and Timo. I believe we would be able to achieve our objectives and assist in developing the product throughout the process from beginning to end. Nayana is highly creative as a person, such as in pitching in ideas, which would be great for developing concepts in this project (the creation of a film opening). Maxi is a diligent person, mostly in teamwork, along with having a strong willingness for responsibilities and putting in the effort. Lastly, Timo has talent in videography - filming and editing - this is a substantial advantage in this film-opening project as filming and editing are the most influential in order for this project to be constructed.

Links to blogs:

Nayana -
Maxi -
Timo -

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