
COMP 3: Production & Development (Behind-the-Scenes)

 A Level Media Studies

This includes the production and development process and the behind-the-scenes pictures on our 4-day shoot including lighting checks and practice shots. This blog is written by me (Sharon).


Before all the shoots, Nayana bought props that we needed for day 3 (at the park), such as picnic baskets, and blankets for the park and the beach (day 1). Below are the pictures Nayana took and compiled.

My role in this would be replying to Nayana as she sent us the pictures (as seen above) to our group's group chat on which type of basket would suit the 'picnic' vibe best.

Day 1 - 27th January 2024

On this day, as scheduled, we filmed at Gunung Payung beach. The crew arrived at 13:00-13:00 which was quite later than planned, and we started filming the car scenes at around 13:45.

Gunung Payung Beach

Timo and Nayana were seen directing the car scene as I (Sharon) took behind-the-scene pictures.

Me (Sharon) and Timo gave feedback on the tilt shot of the star coming out of the car.

NOTE: As we finished the car scenes at Gunung Payung Beach, we went down the parking lot to go down the stairs that led us to the beach. However, the staff warned us that it is prohibited to film professionally in this area and we must pay a nominal of IDR 750,000 to proceed with filming at the beach. Moreover, due to the vast number of stairs and with heavy equipment, they provided a buggy but we must also buy a ticket for that individually. We were also worried that we could get scammed with that as there is no signal at beaches that are far down from the parking spaces normally - meaning that we might not be able to contact the staff to pick us up and bring us back up. With that, our solution was to find a beach near us, that being Pandawa Beach, which was a 5-10 minutes drive from Gunung Payung Beach.

Pandawa Beach

Timo (on the left) helping with the reflector with our friends as well. This is to check for the lighting as well to achieve the bright look on camera.

Timo filmed the performers on a low-angle shot of their feet as they run towards the ocean.

The star lipsyncing to Feather's chorus as the other performers were doing their own thing surrounding her.

Gladly, our first day was a success as we were able to film all the scenes despite the circumstances we faced. All our performers did a great job in portraying the overall mood of the music video - a bright, and lively manner.

Day 2 - 3rd February 2024

As the crew and performers were scheduled to gather at the villa by 11:00, our friend (the owner of the villa) stated that the villa would only be available at 12:00. Hence, this delayed our shoot. We ended up gathering everyone at 13:00 and started filming at approximately 13:30-14:00. The location was quite secluded and it was a long way to get up there, plus the insanely narrow roads.

However, we had forgotten to order the bouquet of flowers (for the star's ex to give her), so I urgently looked for florists near my house to ease delivery and/or pick-up. Below are the options for the bouquet that was ready by that instant (dried and fake flowers). We ended up choosing the one circled in green since that was the only one that seemed simple and nothing too over the top (those with too many colours and lack of simplicity). Also, I believe that red roses symbolize devotion, love, and passion, meaning that the ex still isn't over her (KIARA).

Additionally, the seller asked me (Sharon) whether I would like to add a simple note. So I asked my media group chat and Maxi suggested a note stating "I'm sorry :(" which further suggests that the star's ex hasn't moved on from her and wants her back. Below is the picture that I (Sharon) took of the delivered bouquet.

Hillstone Villas & Resorts

The crew (featuring me (Sharon), Nayana, and Timo) preparing to film the first scene.

Our performers in action for the first scene, featuring Timo and Maxi directing the camera and the performers.

An improvised scene where the performers were split into 2 groups (4-2-1 (the star alone as she lipsyncs)) playing around in the villa's backyard.

Timo directs the camera towards all 7 performers.

We went back to the bedroom after completing all the shots in the backyard and untied all the feathers which did not take long as everyone helped. It turned out that we bought too many packs of feathers.

We then moved to another villa with a pool to film the feather scenes in the bedroom, the jumpcuts of the performers getting ready, more lipsyncing shots, the ex's scene in the driveway as well as all 7 performers in the driveway. Here, the lighting ran out of battery, but the shoot must go on and the lighting problem will be fixed in later production (post-production by adjusting the brightness for these scenes).

Filming their eating scene which the pizza became the crew's late-lunch as well due to that it was the closest restaurant we could get to in such an isolated place.

A little photo shoot of the performers before filming the scenes on the bed.

Starting off with the pillow fights featuring Timo.

This was all thanks to the help of our crew to get the feathers to fall from above (seen by the sides of the bed).

Our star lipsyncing to the chorus as the performers do their makeup in the background.

Individual close-up scenes of our star lipsyncing.

A camera was put right in front of the star (a close-up shot) as she does her make-up while lipsyncing.

Kiara's ex walking down the driveway with the bouquet on his hand.

Kiara's ex knocks on the villa door as Kiara opens the door rejecting him.

Filming the jumpcut scene as the performers enter the bedroom with pajamas and coming out with their summer outfits.

All 7 performers lipsyncing to the chorus in the driveway.

The star ignores the messages sent by her ex (the messages that came up on her phone were sent from Maxi's phone). This was a practice shot to ensure the angles are shot from the right place and able to deliver the message of annoyance.

We weren't able to film all the planned shots as firstly, filming got delayed by 2 hours and we had too many breaks in between, such as our late lunch. Sadly, we couldn't film the sunset scene in the villa's backyard as we finished filming the driveway scene quite late (it got dark already). So, we aimed to film the sunset scene on our next day of shooting. All in all, the performers and our crew did a satisfactory job in helping today's shoot, and we wouldn't have been able to get them done without their help, for instance, the feathers scene on the bed.

Day 3 - 8th February 2024

We planned to film at 2 locations (Griya Alam Pecatu and Peninsula Island) so time must be used effectively and efficiently since the drive from one place to the other will take approximately 30 minutes. Everyone gathered 30 minutes late and we started filming at around 12:00 due to confusion in the location. However, as one arrived at the correct location, they sent their live location to the group chat and everyone followed.

Griya Alam Pecatu

Starting off, Timo filmed a close-up side shot of the star driving the car along Griya Alam Pecatu. Lots of practice shots took place here as it was difficult to divide the star's attention with driving the car.

Our friend (Rassel) and Timo on a motorbike to film a side shot of the star driving as the car overtakes the motorbike. This was significantly difficult as they couldn't keep up with each other's pace (lots and lots of practice shots and driving), so then they experimented by simply walking beside the car. Using a car didn't work since the road was too small to fit 2 cars.

Me (Sharon) directing and giving insights to the star regarding how the following shots must be.

Our friend (Rassel) filming (inside a car) the star driving the car on our way back to the entrance at Griya Alam Pecatu as the car then overtakes our car.

Peninsula Island

Our crew on the way to the park at Peninsula Island.

Me (Sharon) and Nayana preparing the props needed for the park scenes (the picnic blanket and basket, as well as the snacks, such as bread).

NOTE: Security came up to us as we entered the park at Peninsula Island saying that it is prohibited to take pictures and videos with professional cameras. So, on our way back to the car park, 5 of us (our star, me (Sharon), Nayana, Timo, and our friend) stopped by the beach to take photographs of the digipak cover. To solve this problem, we will be adding another day to our shoot (13th February 2024) to film at another park (Lapangan Puputan Renon) to conclude our scenes.

All in all, I believe that we spent too much time working on the car scenes at Griya Alam Pecatu which left us with very little time to film/photograph at Peninsula Island. Nonetheless, filming was cancelled at Peninsula Island (as stated in my previous paragraph) and it would be too late to go to another park at that hour (it was quite late already, approximately 17:30). To make use of the location, we decided to film the '10 Qs with Kiara' video at the car park as I asked the questions in the background, whereas Nayana recorded.

Day 4 - 13th February 2024

Right after school, we went to Lapangan Puputan Renon and arrived at 16:30 along with our crew and performers. All we needed to do was film the park scenes.

Timo filming from an angle overlooking straight to the top as 2 of our performers lay down the picnic blanket.

Filming the performers walking towards their spot at the park.

Filming a tilt transition as the star throws the apple upwards.

The star and 2 of our performers.

The star and 2 of our performers filming the TikTok dance challenge on 'Feather' as Timo recorded on his phone.

Today was a success despite having to add an extra day of filming. Although, we weren't able to shoot the sunset scene as there wasn't any sunset in this area. Yet, we could improvise and come up with a better ending scene. We were satisfied with today's shoot as the performers were able to show a cheerful manner on camera that further depicted the music video's lively mood. All in all, we were glad that we could finally wrap up the production stage of the music video!

Self Reflection: Starting with the production stage of our music video, I felt that maybe I wouldn't be able to help much in directing. But, as the production went on, I was comfortable in giving further feedback, as well as assisting the crew in improvising the scenes and coming up with solutions whenever a problem occurred. I was also in charge of taking behind-the-scenes pictures for later purposes. Miscommunication and misunderstanding were sometimes a problem in this production, so I helped clear things up in between to prevent any further harm in production, for example, delaying production which could make the day ineffective, inefficient, and time-consuming. Moreover, this was such an experience for me with a greater amount of crews which felt like a more professional-like production. Next time, to avoid location problems, we should research the location first regarding prohibitions of filming and photography or simply ask permission beforehand to prevent further delay in production.

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