
Mini Project: Lip Sync Video

 A Level Media Studies

Here is a post regarding a lip sync task we were designated to do in one of our project lessons. This blog is written by me (Sharon).

Our teacher has provided us with the task of a lip sync video to help us utilize the technical skills that can be applied to our final component 3 music video project to the hit song by Backstreet Boys, "I Want It That Way". I hope to feature all the criteria (e.g. 3 angles, 4 edits, all members featured) in order to construct a fun music video through, perhaps, simple editing and camera shots. To add, I hope this project would allow my group to aid the problems we might come across throughout this mini project so that they could be avoided/done better for our component 3 music video project. A few of my worries and concerns would be filming and editing in such a short period of time, coming up with ideas, and testing out our lip-syncing skills and/or performance.

Below is our general storyboard (drawn by Timo)

Below is our annotation of the lyrics sheet (annotated by me (Sharon))

Below is the final product (entirely edited by Timo)

Self Reflection: Overall, filming went well in accordance with our general storyboard as all shots were done in that short period of time (time used effectively), and we were also able to come up with ideas shortly. However, as I checked our annotation on the lyrics paper, we had forgotten to do 1 shot, in which we needed to film on our own time. Moreover, to prevent that, we decided to improvise by filming in class last minute through the transition from an iPad. Therefore, by the time we film our music video, we believe that it would be better to tick the lines once filmed to keep better track of what must still be filmed. In this project, Maxi had the most lines (besides acting, he helped in recording Timo's scenes), so Timo was the one who recorded and edited, while I was in charge of playing the music (specific lines in accordance to which part we were filming on) via a phone which assists in easing the performer in lip-syncing (better synchronization, more effective editing). Additionally, I also shared ideas and how we can improvise the shots and simply capture them behind the scenes. Here, I developed time management skills due to the short deadline as we were only given 10 minutes for the storyboard - including coming up with ideas - and approximately 20-30 minutes to film. Secondly, I learned the value of teamwork. We had to work effectively with one another, such as actively giving suggestions/ideas for what's best and making decisions as a team. This project tightened our teamwork since everyone participated well (including Nay who wasn't in class due to exams, still willing to participate - filming was done quickly). Lastly, I acknowledged that lip-syncing wasn't for me as I am naturally more of a behind the cameras person. The next time we film a music video, perhaps we can utilize a clapper/clapboard to ease editing for our final music video project as this would allow the editor to find where to start the clip which helps a more effective synchronization. Likewise, we must develop a more detailed storyboard, annotate the lyrics paper and bring it as we film to ensure we don't leave any lines out by ticking the lines we've done/filmed (in order to prevent any more shoots outside scheduled filming hours which can be time-consuming) knowing the deadline.

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