
TikTok vs. Douyin (Regulations)

 A Level Media Studies


TikTok (2018):

TikTok was released to the US in 2018 with revised data of 1 billion daily users. TikTok has been internationalized, and therefore, is available in 40 languages. 

Douyin (2016):

Douyin, the original version of TikTok based in China released back in 2016, is owned by ByteDance with approximately 500 million daily users (in China).


TikTok (2018):

TikTok has no regulations with optional parental restrictions

Douyin (2016):

As for children under 14 years old, a few of the regulations include:

  • The app is locked from 10pm-6am
  • Only 40 minutes per day
  • Promoted videos by the algorithm: science experiments, museum exhibits, patriotism and culture videos, education and PE lessons

What are the difficulties of regulating media in the digital age?

TikTok and Douyin are social media streaming platforms each tailored differently. Douyin is exclusively available in China, whereas TikTok is for those in the US and international users. Regulations in these platforms got stricter in order to protect their users.

Douyin's freedom of speech is limited, as we can say, that children under 14 are restricted to use the app freely, such that Douyin will be locked from 10pm-6am, with only a maximum time limit of 40 minutes per day, and only educational videos are shown to them (e.g. science experiments, museum exhibits, patriotism and culture, PE lessons). However, TikTok has zero regulations over its users

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