
Documentary: Screenplay

 A Level Media Studies

Here is our mockumentary's screenplay which was written by Maxi. This blog post was made by me (Sharon).

Original Screenplay

Below is the original screenplay written by Maxi (first and original draft)

Improvised Screenplay

Below is the updated screenplay written (by Maxi) and edited both during and after filming sessions. Therefore, this screenplay includes developments, such as characters, lines, and emotions. The significant improvement here is that we removed one of the Daves (Crypto Dave) as he couldn't be in school on the day of his scheduled filming day (Friday, Week 8), on Monday and Tuesday (Week 9). In addition to that, the final documentary is due on Tuesday Week 10. Hence, my team and I compromised on finding a solution - introducing a 'Not Dave' character filmed on Tuesday - so that we stay caught up on filming as editing will take a while. Other improvements include lines that sounded unnatural with the actors, so we suggested each and every one of the actors/Daves rephrase the lines from the original screenplay in order to make it sound like them (the Daves).

Self Reflection: Developing this last-minute idea was thankfully easy for my group as ideas came up really quickly on improvisations, especially during filming. This eases filming due to the time limit (we were way behind in filming) and makes filming so efficient (filming did not take much of our time). One of them would be the bathroom scene interaction of 'Not Dave' with a high school student.

Here is the main part of the screenplay that we changed (taken from Maxi's development blog post):

I'm not even called Dave man, my real names Kevin. People just grouped me in with them cuz I was a new student.
MONTAGE of NOT DAVE (Kevin) being called Dave and approached by other students.
--Kevin is sitting down on his phone as students come up to him and ask him if he's the new kid, Dave.
--While at his locker, students pass by him as they shout, "Hey Dave!".
--While at the urinal, another students takes the one next to him, looks towards Kevin and nonchalantly says "Hey Dave".
--While walking in the hallway, Kevin gets approached and hugged by another student who says "Hey Dave! Nice to meet you man!".
--Kevin then screams, "MY NAMES KEVIN!!".

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