
Documentary: Production

 A Level Media Studies

This post includes all behind-the-scenes pictures and videos of our production process of Dave(s). All these media were taken by me (Sharon). This blog is written by me (Sharon).

DAY 1 (Regents Secondary School Bali - 30/08/2023)

On this day, we decided to use our Media Studies lesson time to film Maxi and Timo's argument scene in the school's locker hallway.

Here is the trial shot on the angles - showing a small part of the wall to further enhance the "sneaking" upon them.

This is the final angle and location we ended up using to show a wider angle of me (Sharon), Timo, and Maxi in the scene.

DAY 2 (Regents Secondary School Bali - 01/09/2023)

We looked for suitable interview locations for each and every one of the Daves.

The school's canteen - difficult to control the noise due to large crowds.

We thought of using this location for Muscle Dave, but the same inconvenience for the crew (crowd and noise).

In front of the girls' bathroom - what could've been used as Player/Creepy Dave's interview location, however, it would be difficult to coordinate as filming time is after school hours (still crowded, hence the noise).

The school's praying room - possible location for Creepy Dave, yet, the echo.

Therefore, to avoid all those concerns, we finalised using our initial idea of interviewing them in one classroom but in different corners to ease filming. This eases filming as it is more convenient on our side (noises, lighting, crowd). Also, in cases where we might need to re-shoot a scene, a classroom is easier to replicate another classroom and/or the classroom we primarily used, so it could save us more time in terms of controlling and coordinating with the crowd and all.

DAY 3 (Regents Secondary School Bali - 05/09/2023)

With our filming schedule, we first filmed Muscle Dave (Hanly) and Happy Dave (Jowey).

Muscle Dave (Hanly)

Happy Dave (Jowey)

Videocall with Maxi (he was in Bangkok by the time of filming) to ensure the line/speech delivery is based on what he imagined it to be. This helps with effective filming and communication as it could prevent any additional takes/time to reshoot this bit (speech may not be delivered well by the actors as imagined by him).

DAY 4 (Regents Secondary School Bali - 06/09/2023)

Filmed Creepy Dave (Baron) and Softboy Dave (Taka).

Creepy Dave (Baron)

Softboy Dave (Taka)

DAY 5 (Regents Secondary School Bali - 07/09/2023)

Corresponding with our filming schedule, we were able to film Player Dave (Davin). The following pictures will be edited into a montage of him attempting to pull/attract girls around the school area.

Player Dave (Davin)

Here (last, the 5th picture), our friend was kind enough to lend us his microphone - in order to make the sound more apparent, especially for the montage shots as the camera won't be following him (Player Dave).

DAY 6 (Regents Secondary School Bali - 12/09/2023)

We were supposed to catch up with filming Crypto Dave today, however, due to matters, we decided to replace him with 'Not Dave' (Kevin) (played by Juna). Together with that, Softboy Dave made an appearance in one of Not Dave's scenes. 

To conclude filming, we informed all Daves to meet up at the 'lobby' to film the scene starring all 6 of them. We also did a photo shoot for the thumbnail, which includes a landscape picture of all the Daves (and 'Not Dave') expressing each and every one of them upon their 'characters,' and other individual pictures.

'Not Dave'/Kevin (Juna)

All these shots will be put/edited into a montage of random students calling and referring 'Not Dave'/Kevin to 'Dave.'

+ the bathroom scene.

Softboy Dave made an appearance in 'Not Dave'/Kevin's scene as the other Dave in the classroom Not Dave is referring to. Nonetheless, as we filmed today's classroom scene in another class, we had to replicate Softboy Dave's background, such as adding the posters that were in the frame, up until the whiteboard erasers.

Behind the scenes of all 6 Daves (lobby)

Demo shot by Timo on Happy Dave's 'selfie' picture.

Thumbnail & Individual Pictures

(From left to right): Muscle Dave, Softboy Dave, Player Dave, Happy Dave, 'Not Dave'/Kevin, Creepy Dave.

Self Reflection: Overall, the filming process went well as our crew members and actors participated really well in terms of adjusting to schedules. However, obstacles came up throughout production that affected us as a team, such as holding back editing.

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