
Documentary: Quick Cut (Further Research)

 A Level Media Studies

Here is my further research for the documentary project regarding 'quick cuts', along with me and Nayana's short clip on quick cuts.

Quick cut is a film editing technique that refers to several consecutive shots of brief duration. It can be used to convey a lot of information very quickly or to imply either energy or chaos. Quick cuts are also frequently used to bring to attention the non-verbal actions of the character. For further research of my team and my documentary project, as a class, we explored a new editing technique (quick cuts) that can be applied in our documentary. We watched a few movie clips with quick cuts and therefore, produced our own clip. Below is an example:

Below is me and Nay's quick cuts clip:

Self Reflection: I chose to direct a short clip of a student requiring a teacher's signature for their paperwork on a group project. This 'boring' task is made to become more energetic and enthusiastic via the number of zoom-ins, whip pan, and smash zooms edited with quick cuts. I first started exerting my idea onto a storyboard (as shown below) to give a general idea to my partner (Nayana) and to ease filming (time-wise). I greatly enjoyed this project as it allowed us to exhibit new filming/videography techniques, and I like how the camera goes shaky as the subject runs to further show the 'hurry'. Nayana was the one who edited the video via an application, CapCut. However, I suppose the music I chose can be more 'dramatic', in a way, to convey the 'rush'. This editing technique would be nice to include in our mockumentary, adding subtle humour and chaos to it.

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