
Documentary: Weekly Progress & Plan

 A Level Media Studies

Here's a weekly diary that tracks our progress on the film opening, including a plan/timeline we must follow. This blog is written by me (Sharon).


This plan would be ideal for us to follow for this documentary project. Below this plan is my team and I's weekly progress.


WEEK 2 (24th July 2023)

Friday, 28th August:
We were introduced to a documentary project and made a small analysis of 3 documentaries (Making a Murderer, Life in a Day, and Gordon Ramsay Uncharted).

WEEK 3 (31st July 2023)

Friday, 4th August:
As a class, we watched one episode of American Vandal and made a detailed analysis of it, however, I have to watch an episode of another documentary, a mockumentary perhaps. We created a team and my team decided on a mockumentary genre.

WEEK 4 (7th August 2023)

Friday, 11th August:
We started brainstorming several documentary ideas, such as high school dramas, friend groups, stereotypical students, etc., and identifying our target audience (likely to be 16-18 and above). We got ideas from sitcoms and movies like Friends, Modern Family, and The Breakfast Club.
Problem: We have not come upon a final idea for our documentary in this lesson
Solution: We would have to meet up and discuss in our free time
To do: Make a decision by next Wednesday

WEEK 5 (14th August 2023)

Friday, 18th August:
We discussed the screenplay, and I began on the storyboard altogether. Maxi completed the statement of intent (target audience, media language, etc.) as Timo worked on 10 possible titles for this mockumentary.
Problem: We have not decided on the flow of scenes, therefore, the storyboard cannot be completed yet
Solution: Discuss in our free time
To do: Have the screenplay and storyboard done by next Wednesday

WEEK 6 (21st August 2023)

Friday, 25th August:
I continued on the storyboard as Maxi wrote the screenplay. We discussed the overall flow of the mockumentary further. Nay was told to create the filming schedule.
Problem: Screenplay and storyboard, getting our actors to agree, confirming the filming schedule
Solution: Follow the filming schedule strictly, and finish the screenplay and storyboard as soon as possible
To do: Ask the cast members and film. Here's our filming schedule:

  • August 28-30: Film Maxi and Timo's argument scene
  • September 1, 4-7: Other Daves
  • September 8: Danny's scene (Crypto Dave)

WEEK 7 (28th August 2023)

Wednesday, 30th August:
We filmed half of a scene (the argument between Maxi and Timo), however, it was pretty time-consuming as people kept walking by, also figuring out the right angles to capture the scene.

Friday, 1st September:
Maxi managed to finish the screenplay, so hence, the storyboard has also been completed by me. Me, Nay, and Timo did trial shots in different locations for interview scenes (as the initial interview room - the Media Studies room - would be used)
Problem: Maxi (in Bangkok), and filming
Solution: Use social media (WhatsApp) to stay in contact regarding this project, and start filming next week (possibly Monday) to keep track of our filming schedule
To do: Follow the filming schedule strictly so we can finish as scheduled

WEEK 8 (4th September 2023)

Tuesday, 5th September:
Nay did the research on a typeface for the thumbnail, which we finalized on the typewriter font. As filming was supposed to start yesterday (Monday, 4th September), we didn't end up filming as our videographer (Timo) wasn't able to make it to school (he got sick). 
Problem: The filming schedule didn't go the way we planned, 2 of our teammates (Maxi and Timo) aren't at school with me (Sharon) and Nay
Solution: Use social media (WhatsApp) to stay in contact (e.g. we discussed the typeface via WhatsApp in this lesson), and start filming today to get back on track
To do: Film all scenes with actors on scheduled days

Friday, 8th September:
We finalized the typeface, as well as experimented with different spacings. Mr. Nick gave us an idea of our closing scene, where "Dave(s)" is animated (handwritten 's'), which we will end up using. We also took our group picture, however, we will retake the picture tomorrow.
Problem: One of our actors fell sick, so filming is postponed to Monday (11th September)
Solution: Push filming schedules back
To do: Get all scenes done by Monday

WEEK 9 (11th September 2023)

Tuesday, 12th September:
We filmed scenes on Not Dave (Kevin) (played by Juna) to replace Crypto Dave as he fell sick on Friday last week (scheduled filming for Crypto Dave) and must attend an interview. Therefore, to save time and to not fall way behind our filming schedule (as time must also be allocated to post-production (editing) to be done by Timo). Moreover, we gathered all 6 Daves (including 1 Not Dave) to take pictures for the thumbnail and individual photos.
Problem: We fell way behind the filming schedule, so editing must be completed within less than a week
Solution: Start editing by the time all scenes have been filmed
To do: Complete editing and blog posts before Week 10 (submission for the final documentary)

Wednesday, 13th September:
Progress on the thumbnail text "Dave(s)" using Procreate and Canva to screen record the handwriting of the "(s)." Mr Nick helped with the audio trial and error for the sound of 'marker on paper.' Besides that, we all did our own tasks in completing the blog posts. Timo (our videographer and editor) started editing yesterday, right after we finished filming all the scenes (he's 30% done).
Problem: Editing needs to be done before Week 10 (Tuesday)
Solution: Remind Timo to continue his editing
To do: Complete blog posts and remind Timo to continue the editing

Self Reflection: This detailed weekly plan with all the problems, solutions, and to-do lists throughout the timeline of this documentary project, helped my group track our progress thoroughly. It also enables us to focus on our objective better by working on the to-do list to not be left behind, and settle the problems.

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