
COMP 1: Progress and Feedback


The following states the feedback received from my Media Studies teacher (Mr Nick) and ourselves regarding Moonlight Sonata's editing drafts. This blog post is written by Maxi and Nayana.

3rd March 2023 (1st draft) - Written by: Maxi

Timo had finished the first draft of the film and from that, we as a team gave feedback along with our teacher Mr Nick. Some scenes needed a bit of pace-changing, including the credits scene, and some transitions. Timo also experimented with adding a filter in the first shot, which made it look like it was shot from an old film camera. We decided this looked unprofessional and told him to change it. Some scenes like the teacher telling Hazel to stop playing the piano also needed to be edited as he was meant to be initially out of focus, and then move into focus, which Timo hadn't done yet. As well as when the teacher starts the class, the ambient noise of students talking in the background suddenly disappeared, which we told him to keep - but just slowly fade out as the teacher keeps talking. Some lines were also cut out, including Harmony's "I love going to parks, reading books..." line, which we all agreed should be included to better the overall flow of the opening.  Hopefully, by the next draft, all these issues will be mitigated.

9th March 2023 (2nd draft) - Written by: Nayana

Timo finished the second draft after editing to match the feedback given from the first draft. Both Mr Nick and the team gave more feedback and comments to ensure top quality. Our media studies teacher, Mr Nick, suggested getting rid of black screens between Hazel (present Hazel in the music room) sitting down and Hazel's music teacher standing up as in his opinion it doesn’t work well so Timo (our videographer and editor) will experiment on that to see what is best. For Hazel’s head-turning part, we caught on a small time detail that messes up the continuation hence Timo will have to push back some scenes by a few seconds to improve the continuity. We also realized for the mother scene at the beginning, the audio is very loud so he will have to change the audio level for Hazel's mom's scenes. The lighting in some of the teacher’s scene is also very white and cool which contrast with the warm tone of other scenes so to fix that, Timo will attempt to colour-grade, Hazel's music teacher. During the credits scene (names of actors), the text of 'Timothy Mulia' in the credits, is not right as it got cut off so he will have to fix up the text alignment for 'Timothy Mulia'.

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