
Documentary: Critical Self Reflection

 A Level Media Studies

This is a critical self-reflection of my team's documentary project, 'Dave(s).' This blog post is written by me (Sharon).

In our brief, we were informed to create a 3 to 5-minute documentary opening with a sub-genre of our own choice. My group decided to do a 'mockumentary' targeting general students and/or high-schoolers (15-25 years of age; teenagers to young adults), most specifically, Gen-Zs exposed to the meme culture.

1. How do your products represent social groups or issues?

'Dave(s)' focuses on high school students with contradicting personalities, morals, attitudes, and lifestyles despite sharing the same name, Dave, We aimed to include a variety of stereotypes of each and every one of the Daves through subcultures in typical high schools nowadays. The personalities to represent include jocks, players, nerds, soft boys, introverts, athletes/a "gym rat", and outcasts (a character who is not called Dave, but instead referred to as 'Not Dave'/Kevin). One of the biggest social groups we positively represent is the LGBTQ+ community through Happy Dave. By all these stereotypes we attempt to represent and conform to, we over-exaggerate these traits and qualities to present a comedic effect to the audience for a good laugh. Here, the audience can find themselves in these Daves, such as Happy Dave (a part of the LGBTQ+ community - which is a large community in this era) as per the Uses and Gratifications Theory of personal identity. They may relate to them in certain ways, for instance, being 'accepted' for being the person they are. To add, these Daves are conveyed as either jocks and players (self-absorbed, overly confident, girl-craze, "popular"), happy (body language, cheerful always), nerds, soft boys (a calm, collected, introverted person), creepy (terrifyingly quiet, someone who sits alone in the back of a classroom, 'concealed' through the black hoodie), outcasts (they're just, there). With these conventions, Stuart Hall's Reception Theory may suggest that the audience acknowledges the directors' message in this media text (mockumentary) and perceives the way the directors deliver the messages. Such as being as kind and well-mannered as Softboy Dave, not being 'jocks' like Player Dave, and to recognize Happy Dave's positivity. The representation here is that Player Dave fails to interact with girls, the non-diegetic sound/music stops as the camera pans and zooms into Player Dave's face, indicating an awkward silence (second-hand embarrassment as the audience) out of embarrassment and humiliation. Nonetheless, this aimed to be a satirical mockumentary with a diversity of stereotypes and representations, along with personality traits, to deliver the message of - the saying - "Don't judge a book by its cover," and to embrace diversity, no matter how different you are from someone, everyone has their own place in society. This issue of not wanting to talk to, or be friends with certain people, or groups of people due to preconceptions in their heads about them, has grown in this era. So, therefore, we hope this mockumentary can help eliminate that prejudice. For example, students avoiding interactions with Creepy Dave simply because he is private and weirdly quiet does not mean he is a predator - he may be in need of friends due to his introverted manners. This mockumentary's unserious and playful nature is thoroughly for comedic and satirical effects for caricatures, this means that these stereotypes aren't all negative all along.

3. How do your products engage with the audience?

This mockumentary demographically targets teenagers to young adults, students and/or high-schoolers of ages 15-25. One way that helps us psychographically reach them would be through stereotypes of typical students in high schools that we have included in our documentary. According to the Uses and Gratifications theory of personal identity, audiences of this mockumentary may see themselves in the Daves/one of the Daves through the subcultures within a high school including jocks, players, nerds, soft boys, creepy, happy, athletes; one way to engage with the audience. Such that those who are highly confident (in terms of being "capable" of pulling/attracting girls), egotistical, friendly, and a so-called "player" in typical high schools, may see themselves in Player Dave. Barthes' cultural code plays a role in targeting the general population too, that being through the viral Internet meme of the "Josh Fight" (2021) in which anyone named Josh could participate in the fight to decide who gets to keep the name 'Josh'. As a matter of fact, that meme has become our blueprint/where we got the general idea for this mockumentary. This means that those Gen-Zs (or more or less teenagers to young adults) who have seen this meme could understand the reference that we have made in this mockumentary (Dave(s)), which enables us to get them hooked and interested. Moreover, this is due to that technology revolves around everyone nowadays (it has become a daily routine/factor), enabling the spread of news (e.g. the "Josh Fight" meme) easily. The contradicting personalities and attitudes of these high-schoolers are purposely over-exaggerated by us to illustrate the comedic effects, stupidity, and absurdity of these characters to showcase a satirical, mockery, and to make it implicitly funny. For example, featuring Levi Strauss' binary opposites, Player Dave gets rejected by every girl he hits on despite the fact that he is overly confident (narcissistic). The binary opposites here describe how Player Dave believes and exhibits the image of being a "player" but in an actual manner, is not (due to the rejections shown on the montage). 'Dave(s)' is also a participatory documentary that interacts/engages with the audience by including the interviewer's off-screen questions in the final product, and even during Player Dave's montage where he interacts with the camera/the audience to look at his act of attempting to talk to girls. This could make the audience feel a part of the documentary, a part of the journey, as well as being a student in that high school.

4. How did your research inform your products and the way they use or challenge conventions?

Starting this project, I have researched several mockumentaries, such as Cunk on Earth, and American Vandal - which inspired the flow of 'Dave(s)' most, we can conclude through Steve Neale's genre theory - that these conventions set audiences' expectations - that mockumentaries conform to typical conventions of breaking the fourth wall, directing interviews, hand-held camera shots, a natural look, satire, and caricatured stereotypes. Therefore, we conformed to the blueprint of mockumentaries, such as including interviews with all 6 Daves, with each interview explicitly showing their contradicting personalities. Another one would be through the over-exaggeration of stereotypes, for example, Happy Dave represents the LGBTQ+ community positively via being overly 'expressive,' is always cheerful, wears a pink sweater, and frequently uses body language/moves their body a lot. This is demonstrated through the low camera angles that convey Happy Dave's positive character, to be centralized, and to show the body language better. To further extend the comedic and satirical effects in this mockumentary, the usage of montages of Player Dave failing miserably in talking to girls and high school students calling 'Not Dave'/Kevin as Dave, Creepy Dave's unexpected improvised action on coming closer to the camera to 'scare' the audience away - but hilarious in a way -, and Happy Dave's expressive mockery comment ("He's not that muscly") on Muscle Dave's muscle flex. These montages are shot in a hand-held manner to add comedic aspects, which conforms to typical conventions of mockumentaries, perhaps to heighten the intensity and chaos, such that 'Not Kevin' gets gradually annoyed as people call him 'Dave,' as well as Player Dave's intensity in failing. 'Not Dave''s annoyance can be seen through the camera lenses being out of focus constantly as the handheld movement gets shakier. Nonetheless, long shots are used in Player Dave's montages to establish a bigger picture of the school environment and to wholly present their acts, whereas medium/medium close-up shots are used in 'Not Dave''s montages to capture his expression of annoyance better. Overall, with the colour tone of this mockumentary, we went with the natural settings from the camera to conform to mockumentaries' conventions of being lifelike and realistic (no significant/many edits in the colour scheme/tone) - can be seen from The Office which the colour tone seems so natural to the audience. Moreover, with research on thumbnails of documentaries, one of them being Keeping Up With the Kardashians, we have conformed to these conventions of giving a gist of the leading characters through the thumbnail. Therefore, we have developed our thumbnail with all 6 Daves standing in a line in a medium shot, each showing their characters via facial expressions and body gestures, with an edited title written "Dave(s)" right above.

Documentary: Post Production

 A Level Media Studies

Here shows the editing process for our mockumentary, 'Dave(s)' done by Timo. This blog is written by Timo.

To begin, I chose the timeline-based and non-linear video editing software application that is Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020 as my primary choice of software for video editing. To begin, most of the files were transferred from the SD card used to my desktop to begin editing. 

The files were then imported into Premiere Pro, I then filtered the shots and deleted all the shots from the media library that I thought wouldn't be useful in the overall edit. The editing software made it easier to sync clips as it has the marking feature which allows the user to mark a certain part in the timeline with a label.

Shown below is the overall timeline of the project.  


Exposure Control (Color Grading)

By adjusting the exposure and the shadows, the originally overexposed video now fits all the other shots used in the edit.



Typewriter Animation

By using the linear wipe effect as well as overlaying a white video and playing with the scales, I successfully created a typewriter-like effect to showcase the interview questions.

By using keyframes, I was able to adjust the timing of the animation to provide the viewers with enough time to read the text without the segment lasting too long or too short.

These segments used the camera blur effect, which was done to pull the audience's focus so that they don't get distracted from the text.

blur effects available on Premiere Pro

Scribble Animation

By screen recording drawing the S on a drawing application. I used this footage to chromake the greenscreen to replicate a scribble animation.

Final Product

Self Reflection: These features in the editing software used help with enhancing the quality and make editing more time-efficient, such as giving a blur effect wouldn't take too much of his time. In addition, these features enable him to experiment with the editing styles and video quality to see which would look best to the audience's eyes.

Documentary: Production

 A Level Media Studies

This post includes all behind-the-scenes pictures and videos of our production process of Dave(s). All these media were taken by me (Sharon). This blog is written by me (Sharon).

DAY 1 (Regents Secondary School Bali - 30/08/2023)

On this day, we decided to use our Media Studies lesson time to film Maxi and Timo's argument scene in the school's locker hallway.

Here is the trial shot on the angles - showing a small part of the wall to further enhance the "sneaking" upon them.

This is the final angle and location we ended up using to show a wider angle of me (Sharon), Timo, and Maxi in the scene.

DAY 2 (Regents Secondary School Bali - 01/09/2023)

We looked for suitable interview locations for each and every one of the Daves.

The school's canteen - difficult to control the noise due to large crowds.

We thought of using this location for Muscle Dave, but the same inconvenience for the crew (crowd and noise).

In front of the girls' bathroom - what could've been used as Player/Creepy Dave's interview location, however, it would be difficult to coordinate as filming time is after school hours (still crowded, hence the noise).

The school's praying room - possible location for Creepy Dave, yet, the echo.

Therefore, to avoid all those concerns, we finalised using our initial idea of interviewing them in one classroom but in different corners to ease filming. This eases filming as it is more convenient on our side (noises, lighting, crowd). Also, in cases where we might need to re-shoot a scene, a classroom is easier to replicate another classroom and/or the classroom we primarily used, so it could save us more time in terms of controlling and coordinating with the crowd and all.

DAY 3 (Regents Secondary School Bali - 05/09/2023)

With our filming schedule, we first filmed Muscle Dave (Hanly) and Happy Dave (Jowey).

Muscle Dave (Hanly)

Happy Dave (Jowey)

Videocall with Maxi (he was in Bangkok by the time of filming) to ensure the line/speech delivery is based on what he imagined it to be. This helps with effective filming and communication as it could prevent any additional takes/time to reshoot this bit (speech may not be delivered well by the actors as imagined by him).

DAY 4 (Regents Secondary School Bali - 06/09/2023)

Filmed Creepy Dave (Baron) and Softboy Dave (Taka).

Creepy Dave (Baron)

Softboy Dave (Taka)

DAY 5 (Regents Secondary School Bali - 07/09/2023)

Corresponding with our filming schedule, we were able to film Player Dave (Davin). The following pictures will be edited into a montage of him attempting to pull/attract girls around the school area.

Player Dave (Davin)

Here (last, the 5th picture), our friend was kind enough to lend us his microphone - in order to make the sound more apparent, especially for the montage shots as the camera won't be following him (Player Dave).

DAY 6 (Regents Secondary School Bali - 12/09/2023)

We were supposed to catch up with filming Crypto Dave today, however, due to matters, we decided to replace him with 'Not Dave' (Kevin) (played by Juna). Together with that, Softboy Dave made an appearance in one of Not Dave's scenes. 

To conclude filming, we informed all Daves to meet up at the 'lobby' to film the scene starring all 6 of them. We also did a photo shoot for the thumbnail, which includes a landscape picture of all the Daves (and 'Not Dave') expressing each and every one of them upon their 'characters,' and other individual pictures.

'Not Dave'/Kevin (Juna)

All these shots will be put/edited into a montage of random students calling and referring 'Not Dave'/Kevin to 'Dave.'

+ the bathroom scene.

Softboy Dave made an appearance in 'Not Dave'/Kevin's scene as the other Dave in the classroom Not Dave is referring to. Nonetheless, as we filmed today's classroom scene in another class, we had to replicate Softboy Dave's background, such as adding the posters that were in the frame, up until the whiteboard erasers.

Behind the scenes of all 6 Daves (lobby)

Demo shot by Timo on Happy Dave's 'selfie' picture.

Thumbnail & Individual Pictures

(From left to right): Muscle Dave, Softboy Dave, Player Dave, Happy Dave, 'Not Dave'/Kevin, Creepy Dave.

Self Reflection: Overall, the filming process went well as our crew members and actors participated really well in terms of adjusting to schedules. However, obstacles came up throughout production that affected us as a team, such as holding back editing.

Documentary: Screenplay

 A Level Media Studies

Here is our mockumentary's screenplay which was written by Maxi. This blog post was made by me (Sharon).

Original Screenplay

Below is the original screenplay written by Maxi (first and original draft)

Improvised Screenplay

Below is the updated screenplay written (by Maxi) and edited both during and after filming sessions. Therefore, this screenplay includes developments, such as characters, lines, and emotions. The significant improvement here is that we removed one of the Daves (Crypto Dave) as he couldn't be in school on the day of his scheduled filming day (Friday, Week 8), on Monday and Tuesday (Week 9). In addition to that, the final documentary is due on Tuesday Week 10. Hence, my team and I compromised on finding a solution - introducing a 'Not Dave' character filmed on Tuesday - so that we stay caught up on filming as editing will take a while. Other improvements include lines that sounded unnatural with the actors, so we suggested each and every one of the actors/Daves rephrase the lines from the original screenplay in order to make it sound like them (the Daves).

Self Reflection: Developing this last-minute idea was thankfully easy for my group as ideas came up really quickly on improvisations, especially during filming. This eases filming due to the time limit (we were way behind in filming) and makes filming so efficient (filming did not take much of our time). One of them would be the bathroom scene interaction of 'Not Dave' with a high school student.

Here is the main part of the screenplay that we changed (taken from Maxi's development blog post):

I'm not even called Dave man, my real names Kevin. People just grouped me in with them cuz I was a new student.
MONTAGE of NOT DAVE (Kevin) being called Dave and approached by other students.
--Kevin is sitting down on his phone as students come up to him and ask him if he's the new kid, Dave.
--While at his locker, students pass by him as they shout, "Hey Dave!".
--While at the urinal, another students takes the one next to him, looks towards Kevin and nonchalantly says "Hey Dave".
--While walking in the hallway, Kevin gets approached and hugged by another student who says "Hey Dave! Nice to meet you man!".
--Kevin then screams, "MY NAMES KEVIN!!".