
RADIO PROJECT - Logo Design: Research + Draft + Development + Final


Group: Ilona, Sera, Rania, Sharon
> Blog is written by me (Sharon)


My research: Here shows a variation of logos, mostly radio logos that give "pop" or early '00-'10s design and typeface, with a few consisting of food logos and a brand. I don't quite like the 104.9 radio logo due to its choices of dark colours (dark red and black), which doesn't particularly seem 'inviting' towards our demographics (teenagers-young adults), unlike Radio Disney's and New 102.7. However, I do like Radio Disney and Subway's divergence of colour and typeface, although I'm not sure if Radio Disney's design would match nowadays' preferences.


[DRAFT] Here shows my sketch of various possible options for our radio logo. I started off by trying out different sizes of typography, and whether to fill it in with colour or not. Soon after, as a development, I attempted to put a hint of stars bit by bit to match our radio name, "All Star". With the presence of the stars, you can see how I've tried to see how the star would look in different spots, along with the typography. Although, none of them strikes as much, therefore, I believe it would be a better option to use the other drafts of my teammates.

Credit: Ilona, Rania, Sera

[DRAFT + DEVELOPMENT] These two sketches are all part works of Ilona, Rania and Sera all done on two separate papers. The paper on the left shows the trial and error of fonts, designs, placements and concepts. The paper on the right shows the development, which is relevantly coming towards the final. They have mentioned how they wanted to focus on making the logo generally in a star-shaped form. Next, Ilona had done a development by adding a line, surrounding the star in the "All" to give an implication of "going all places in every corner". They initially wanted only images or "messy" concepts, but they ended up with a more eye-pleasing composition that is more aesthetic and soft; started off abstractly at first. To add, another development they did was transitioning from sharp shapes to rounded fonts. 


Credit: Ilona

The app used to create this final "All Star" logo is Medibang Paint, with a duration of approximately 30 minutes, more or less. Although there were some struggles, it took Ilona a while to make the shape of the star. However, the details were erased to make it seem like the font. We can see how the "All" is placed on the line (the "ring") surrounding the word "Star" shaped in particular to a star form. The typography of "All" and "Star" is relevantly different, where "All" has a block-shaped font in white with black borders, whereas "Star" has a swirl-like font, following the shape of a star in black. There is a "ring"-like form that surrounds the star, this gives a similarity to the planet Saturn - having a ring around its body. The spectacular details include how the ring is white when it crosses the word "Star", showing more of its form. Additionally, with simplicity, which represents most of us and the audience in the present time, Ilona only applied the colours black and white. The logo also gives off and/or represents our primary genre on the radio show, pop music, a hint of K-Pop and western culture for our news segment. Moreover, Hollywood is the heart and core of pop music and they are typically represented by the stars (actors, actresses, singers, pop stars), also representing our target audience (teenagers, young adults to adults) as they have a significantly huge interest in pop-stars and/or actors they watch in movies!

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