


Target audience: 

  • All ages

  • All gender

  • Perhaps an average to a high socio-economic class group

  • City people due to the fanciness of involving the fancy lady with red lipstick and red long nails

Concept (main idea): Symbolizing simplicity

Mise en scene

  • Setting: red background for all to represent the symbolic colour of Kit Kat and depict extravagance, which also shows simplicity in both the advert and the product itself

  • Red represents excitement, passion, danger, energy, and action

  • Costumes and make-up: the lady wears red lipstick along with red long nails which shows fanciness and elegance, where also red correlates with the colour of Kit Kat. Elegance is relevant to the product, that being chocolate, as chocolate is sometimes perceived as something “royal” or “chivalrous”

  • Lighting: bright lighting that depicts freshness and enlightenment in the product and eating the chocolate, that can also be seen in how the lights brighten when the lady came to surprise when eating the chocolate

  • Character: a lady with bold red lipstick that signifies extravagance and royalty, correlating with the idea of Kit Kat, and generally, chocolates

  • Camera: the movement in the cameras shows excitement, as well as the elements in the advert, such as the chocolate fondue, along with great transitions and editing, for instance, the bounce and slices of the chocolate. This will hook and retent the audience’s attention, perhaps, a blood rush

Music: Stomp Kinetic Typography

Slogan: “Have a Break, Have a Kit Kat”

Actions colour coded based on frames:

  • Red Kit Kat packaging drops from the top

  • It drops for a few milliseconds

  • The packaging spins slowly from when it stops and the spin stops in the middle of the frame

  • The packaging ‘slices’ (give a slicing sound effect) into three at the time of the mid-spin

  • It transitions to 3 bars of actual chocolates during the ‘slice’

  • The 3 bars move in the direction of the slice

  • Chocolate (liquid/fondue) meets from both sides of the three bars, coating them

  • Fondue is ‘absorbed’ by the bars, thus, the fondue ‘disappears’ from the ad

  • They then break horizontally (with a sound breaking effect) (6 broken parts showing in total)

  • The 6 parts ‘fly’ or bounce back slightly 

  • Zooms into the middle (add a whoosh sound effect) of the broken gaps of the 6 parts (the spaces between the broken ones)

  • The zoom-in leads to the lips of the empty-filled mouth of the lady with red lipstick

  • The camera zooms out

  • The zoom-out shows the lady’s full face (medium close-up)

  • She lifts her hand up with the bar and brings it towards her mouth

  • Proceeds to bite the Kit Kat (bite sound effect) and her eyes widen due to the savouring flavour, with lights appearing from two sides at the same time

  • Goes back to the 3 bars of the Kit Kat breaking apart vertically

  • Zooms out from the middle of the broken parts 

  • The broken parts become one (3 connected bars)

  • Packaging wraps elegantly around the 3 connected chocolate bars (elegant package wrap sound effect)

  • The packaging hits the ground aggressively (camera pans downwards) (sound effect on hitting the ground)

  • Bounces back up, the crumbs appear from the ground (as the packaging fell)

  • The slogan “Have a Break, Have a Kit Kat” appears on top (“Have a Break, Have a Kit Kat” spoken)

  • Kit Kat logo and the semi-spirals around the Kit Kat emerge gradually at the same time the logo is shown

  • One bar full of Kit Kat appears out of the blue and is broken and is bitten

  • “Kit Kat” spoken

Implementations and further details:

Taking a bite off of the KitKat (emphasising the crunch sound for both), plus showing the crumbs falling after the bite. Royal woman with red lipstick to represent the symbolic colour of Kit Kat. Kit Kat falling down and breaking apart mid-air, highlighting the sound and close-up, adding the slogan “Have a Break, Have Kit Kat”

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